Friday, July 29, 2011


I went on vacation with my family this past week to Inks Lake. We had a blast!!! The only thing I really had a hard time was with food. I had some much junk food it was unreal. Smores...candy....cookies...etc. I was ready to get back home and get back on track. Now that I am home Im having a hard time not wanting sweets because I ate so much lately. That has always been my weakness...sweets. I try to switch out my sweets with strawberries....pineapples...watermelon. It really does work but I need to stock up on it or it goes fast in my house! I feel a lot better physically when I dont eat the junk too but I still allow myself some once in awhile. Life is meant to enjoy..not to deprive yourself from things so find your happy medium.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just Breathe

I know I've talked about exercising and being healthy but you cant just jump up and have to have a plan. If you don't have a plan than usually your exercising and being healthy goes south pretty quick. I remember being able to fit in my regular jeans months after Noah was born...omgosh I jumped and down....had to call my hubby and scream the excitement to felt so good. Also another takes I said it took months for me to be able to fit into my pants again...but slowly if you stick with exercising and eating right than you will see results. Eat things that you like...even alternate bad with good. For example, I love love love sweets but I alternate candy with strawberries. One of my favorite things to do with Aaron and the boys is going for a walk. Aaron and I have the deepest conversations and we connect. You can exercise and connect at the same time....that makes me happy!! One thing to remember is we are human. We are going to screw up but the nice thing is that we can breathe...then get right back up and try again. Make goals...big and small. Small would be I want to lose this much weight this month. Big.. I want to weight this at the end of the year and want to wear this size. Be Healthy and Happy :)