Friday, July 29, 2011


I went on vacation with my family this past week to Inks Lake. We had a blast!!! The only thing I really had a hard time was with food. I had some much junk food it was unreal. Smores...candy....cookies...etc. I was ready to get back home and get back on track. Now that I am home Im having a hard time not wanting sweets because I ate so much lately. That has always been my weakness...sweets. I try to switch out my sweets with strawberries....pineapples...watermelon. It really does work but I need to stock up on it or it goes fast in my house! I feel a lot better physically when I dont eat the junk too but I still allow myself some once in awhile. Life is meant to enjoy..not to deprive yourself from things so find your happy medium.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Just Breathe

I know I've talked about exercising and being healthy but you cant just jump up and have to have a plan. If you don't have a plan than usually your exercising and being healthy goes south pretty quick. I remember being able to fit in my regular jeans months after Noah was born...omgosh I jumped and down....had to call my hubby and scream the excitement to felt so good. Also another takes I said it took months for me to be able to fit into my pants again...but slowly if you stick with exercising and eating right than you will see results. Eat things that you like...even alternate bad with good. For example, I love love love sweets but I alternate candy with strawberries. One of my favorite things to do with Aaron and the boys is going for a walk. Aaron and I have the deepest conversations and we connect. You can exercise and connect at the same time....that makes me happy!! One thing to remember is we are human. We are going to screw up but the nice thing is that we can breathe...then get right back up and try again. Make goals...big and small. Small would be I want to lose this much weight this month. Big.. I want to weight this at the end of the year and want to wear this size. Be Healthy and Happy :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Date Night

Last night I went running and I was thinkin...why do women always thinks its the man's job to handle the romance department? It takes two people to make a marriage...two people should keep the spark alive. I am not a very touchy-feely person but Aaron is. I have to work on comes natural to him. I have to admit I have been really bad lately at wanting to just lay in the bed and watch tv once the boys go to bed. I zone out while he wants to talk to me. So I decided last night when I got home from my run that I would do something for him. Shut the tv off and focus on us. I even lit candles and we was very nice. He deserves it....we deserve it. I just feel that we as women need to be responsible to make sure the romance is still around. A man can not read our mind and we can not blame them if something is not the way we want it. If you start doing little small surprises...I almost guarantee it will start coming back to you. Aaron felt so special last night and we both had lots of fun. <3

Friday, June 24, 2011


Wow...never thought in a million years I would have two boys. Before I was even married I wanted a little girl. I loved being in the nursery;I loved seeing little girls with the dress and big bow that their mom had picked for them the night before. When I had babies I was going to have a little girl. HAHA....NOT!! I not only had one boy but TWO...but now that I have them..I would not have it any other way. God has blessed me with these boys so much. Looking back on it...I never played with barbies....I only had dolls that sat on the shelf...I was an outdoors girl that loved playing basketball and riding my bike. I wasn't good with all the girlie stuff and I still feel  that way with myself in some areas of my life. The boys and I went camping with my parents this weekend and we had a blast. I am pulled into two different areas--- love it that the boys are getting older because we are able to do more stuff but sad because they are growing so fast and it seems like I cant keep up. I know...such a mom right. Anyways, we had a blast fishing...hiking the trails and being super hot. God knew exactly what I need....two boys.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Food Lover

Okay I love food especially sweets.... always have and probably always will...but everything good still needs to be in moderation. There is nothing wrong with having some of the foods you like (candy etc)...and its actually a good thing because you do not want to gorge after trying to keep yourself away from it. For a while my mom was a single mom with three young kids. She worked very hard for us. Food was limited with her growing family but I am thankful for one thing-- I am not a picky eater and do not waste. Whatever was there, we ate. This has taught me so much being a stay at home mom because I grew up learning how to make things last, what you need, and really do not need. But I can say I want food that tastes good. I want to feel good and have food that tastes good. Is that too much to ask? Before Aaron and I had kids we ate out so much. I didn't realize it until my pants wouldn't button. Aaron did not have that problem but I sure did. I am still learning about being healthy. I still have some junk food in my house but I know my limits. Here are some tips that I've learned: use ground turkey instead of beef....its a lot cheaper and so much better for you; ditch the salt....a lot of can vegetables....meats...etc... already have salt do not need the extra. Instead of the salt, use natural herbs and spices. Food can still taste great and keep your waistline looking great too.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Never Let Go

Being a stay at home mom I sometimes forget about myself. Thank God I have my husband to help me remember that I am special too. When Noah was born I went back to work full time 9 weeks after having him. That was one of the hardest things I have had to do in my life....thankfully my mom was able to take care of him for me. With Elijah I made a way to stay home full time with my boys. It has not been really give up a lot.  One thing that I didn't realize is that you do not have to ever let go of yourself. I did though....I look back at pictures at my sloppiness and was not happy at what I saw. I was not happy with myself and it showed. Don't get me wrong I love my boys with all I am but I do love being me. I felt like I was a bad mom if I didn't do everything for my kids but I soon realized its okay to let go and let others help you. I decided to change...a little at a time...started working out...that made me feel great...even my mood and mind felt clearer...then I decided I wanted to go back to school....for myself...and I feel more accomplished. I am able to now realize that you have to have balance in every aspect of your life.  Make time for yourself and it'll make a big difference in how you feel about yourself. If you do not water your flowers often...won't they wither and die? Make sure you invest in yourself and then other relationships in your life will grow too. Even if its something painting your one thing a day to make you feel like you....or if that isn't possible...once a week. Life is way too happy.

Saturday, June 18, 2011


I am not by any means the greatest mother but who said I had to be? I think too many people have a preconceived idea of what it means to be a good mother. I just want to be a happy momma with happy kids.  One thing that does make me happy is running. When I was younger I hated to exercise but after having Noah and just makes my mind clear and I am at peace. Its just me and the pavement...(and the warmth of Gods presence). Exercise (doesn't have to be running) is a must....its great for your body...your mind...and you look really good after doing it for awhile-- so the question you have to ask yourself is this.... am I doing this for myself or am I doing this because I have to....its all a mind set....try setting your mind into a more positive outlook and it might change your feeling about exercise.....