Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Date Night

Last night I went running and I was thinkin...why do women always thinks its the man's job to handle the romance department? It takes two people to make a marriage...two people should keep the spark alive. I am not a very touchy-feely person but Aaron is. I have to work on it...it comes natural to him. I have to admit I have been really bad lately at wanting to just lay in the bed and watch tv once the boys go to bed. I zone out while he wants to talk to me. So I decided last night when I got home from my run that I would do something for him. Shut the tv off and focus on us. I even lit candles and we talked....it was very nice. He deserves it....we deserve it. I just feel that we as women need to be responsible to make sure the romance is still around. A man can not read our mind and we can not blame them if something is not the way we want it. If you start doing little small surprises...I almost guarantee it will start coming back to you. Aaron felt so special last night and we both had lots of fun. <3


  1. i thought i just posted something but maybe it needs to be approved. :) anywho, i'm adding you to my list of blogs to follow. i'm hoping you will inspire me to get exercising. :)

    well, i just saw that it didn't even go to the code thing so i will try to remember what i put the first time... i thought it was so sweet what you did for your hubby! i'm the ushy-gushy one in my house. :) i then said something about having a treadmill & that when my foot heals i'm going to make myself get on it, or hope to anyway. :D

  2. Aw thanks! Im on yours too!! I didnt like exercising either for the longest time but now its actually something I want to do for myself. Thats so sweet you are the ushy one...Im def not lol...but I am trying!! :)

  3. does something from Fredericks of Hollywood count as romance?

  4. lol Crystal...looked this up....and I think a man would agree sexy lingerie is romance ;)
